La Comunità per L'Ulivo, per tutto L'Ulivo dal 1995
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Forum per le discussioni sulle tematiche economiche e produttive italiane, sul mondo del lavoro sulle problematiche tributarie, fiscali, previdenziali, sulle leggi finanziarie dello Stato.


Messaggioda flaviomob il 11/12/2017, 2:17 ... d=fb-share



So why did the structuralist view prevail? There was some left-right aspect, as there is with everything these days – any analysis suggesting that the government can do positive things is automatically rejected by half the political spectrum. But there was also the problem Keynesian economics always faces: it just doesn’t sound serious enough to Serious People. The idea that mass unemployment is fundamentally just a problem of inadequate demand – that all we have is magneto trouble – and that it is easily solved by spending more, sounds too easy.

I’d like to think that the way things turned out would serve as a lesson in future crises. But I wouldn’t bet on it.

"Dovremmo aver paura del capitalismo, non delle macchine".
(Stephen Hawking)
Messaggi: 12889
Iscritto il: 19/06/2008, 19:51

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